Intermediate (U14/15) Guidelines
The Field:
The Field Size for 14/15U games is 100-130 yards long and 50-100 yards wide.
The Markings:
Distinctive lines recommended.
- Halfway line the width of the field, marked equidistant between the goal lines.
- Center circle with an eight-yard radius in the center of the field.
- Corner arcs with a one-yard radius at each corner of the field.
- Goal area in front of each goal measuring 5 x 16 yards.
- Penalty area in front of each goal measuring 14 x 36 yards.
- Penalty mark 10 yards from the goal line.
- Penalty arc extending in a eight-yard radius from the penalty mark.
The Goals:
The maximum goal size is 7' high by 21' wide. Recommended goal size is 6.5' high by 18.5' wide.
The Ball:
A size 5 ball is used for U14/15 games.
The Players:
- Numbers: 11 per team on field; one of which is a goalkeeper. 15 max on roster (12 minimum).
- Substitutions: Free substitutions according to referee.
- Playing Time: Minimum of two periods per game and no player should play four periods until everyone has played three.
- Teams:Co-Ed teams.
Player Equipment:
Shoes and shinguards, covered by the socks are mandatory at all practice and game activities. Soft-cleated soccer shoes or tennis shoes.
Duration of Game:
35-minute halves. Halftime break of 5 - 10 minutes. No other changes from play as specified in FIFA Laws of the Game Printed for the American Youth Soccer Organization.
The referee must be a certified AYSO Regional Referee or above.
View the
Coaching Manual starting at page 126 for Laws of the Game